Do I Dare Disturb The Universe by vaguely_concerned [NC-17]

Jan 12, 2015 12:20

Title: Do I Dare Disturb The Universe
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Genres: Romance, Angst, Time Travel, Established Relationship, Canon
Length: Epic (57,484 words)
Warnings: Temporary character death

Author on LJ: N/A
Author Website: vaguely_concerned @ AO3

Author's Summary:
When Faith Lumsbred disobeys the decree of Queen Harmony and goes into the forbidden part of the woods, she expects to discover something cool, or at least something suitably unsettling. Finding instead an ageing astrophysicist and his cat she decides to get to the bottom of the things. How did McKay end up here? Why has the queen gone to such lengths to keep him hidden? And what exactly has he been doing out here all by himself?

Do not let the presence of an OC keep you from reading this fic. She's a likable character who feels very real, and I love the relationship between her and Rodney. As Faith discovers bits and pieces of Rodney's past, the story of what drove Rodney to Harmony's planet unfolds, and it's tragic but interesting. In typical Rodney fashion, he's determined to fix things, but it's taken him many years. Harmony is a grown, mature woman in this fic, but with hints of the mischieviousness of her youth - I could picture her growing up to be just like this. I love Rodney's persistence, the way he never forgets or deviates from his goal. I ache for him and all that he's lost, but I enjoy the way Faith bursts into his life. The plot is interesting and well-written, the characters feel real and themselves, and despite the angst the fic has it's funny moments that lighten the mood. It's really just an enjoyable read!

Do I Dare Disturb The Universe?

genre: romance, genre: time-travel, genre: angst, fandom: stargate atlantis, genre: established relationship, length: epic

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