Fasten One Heart to Every Falling Thing by The Forth Vine [R]

Jan 08, 2015 17:02

Title: Fasten One Heart to Every Falling Thing
Fandom: Hockey RPF
Pairing: Sidney Crosby/Evgeni MalkinEvgeni Malkin/Alexander Ovechkin
Categories: AU, Romance,
Length: Epic (51k)
Warnings: Soulmate Au

Author on LJ: thefourthvine
Website: The Forth Vine A03

Summary: Geno can't. Sidney won't.

Review: This fic turns the idea of soulmate AUs around. Sidney could theoretically bond with anybody, and Geno can't bond with anybody.

The fic builds slowly enough that you get a feel for the world, and how everything works. You also get a very good feel for the characters.

The relationship between Sidney and Geno feels completely organic as it builds slowly from people who need each other, to friendship, until they eventually fall in love.

Fasten One Heart to Every Falling Thing

genre: romance, genre: au, fandom: hockey rpf, length: epic, pairing: slash, genre: domestic, recs by chibifukurou

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