Peripeteia, by Sylvia (NC-17)

Nov 27, 2014 00:48

Title: Peripeteia

Fandom: From Eroica With Love
Pairing: Dorian/Klaus
Categories: first-time, romance, drama
Length: long; 27,562 words
Warnings: suggestions of past sexual abuse/underage

Author on LJ: rheasilvia
Author Website: Sylvia on AO3, By the Pen

Summary: Klaus attends a cousin's wedding at Schloss Eberbach. So does Dorian, for very different reasons.

Review: The above summary? Tells you nothing important about this fic whatsoever. So Dorian is undercover at Scloss Eberbach trying to steal the painting again, surrounded by Klaus' family and old family friends, and Klaus encounters someone he has a History with, and Dorian sees Klaus' encounter, and lots of conclusions are eventually drawn and remarkably little is particularly solidly confirmed (I was astonished on re-read to realise how open this remains, and how little is said) but an awful lot of things shift in the relationship between Klaus and Dorian as a consequence.

This one is an old favourite, which I stumbled across anew by accident recently, and which promptly returned me to reading in this fandom again.

I guess that the driving factor of a lot of the fics in this fandom is getting to that moment when Klaus' epic restraint and uptightness crumbles, but this time around the journey is so intense and that moment so earned, and I think that's the thing that stuck in my head about this fic for fifteen years. Klaus and Dorian are both taken very seriously, and the background is deadly serious for all that those events are not discussed explicitly, and it just has such a weight to it, in a fandom which is often not particularly serious. Also, the progression of Klaus re-evaluating his life and taking his choices in hand is as glorious as the single-minded way he insists upon doing it.

Note that there are some consent considerations in the unfolding of the relationship which are also left somewhat open to interpretation, which are a part of the fascination of the scenario that plays out here, but may prove unsettling for some depending on how they are interpreted.


genre: romance, fandom: from eroica with love, genre: drama, recs by roseveare, length: long, genre: first-time

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