Title: Ho'oponopono
Fandom: Hawaii 5-0 (2010)
Pairing: Danny/Steve
Genres: Romance, First Time, Repeating Time
Length: Long (17,092 words)
Warnings: None
Author on LJ:
ember_firedrakeAuthor Website:
ember-firedrake @ AO3
Author's Summary:
Groundhog Day AU. Danny finds himself trapped in the same day over and over again.
Review: This was one of the first fics I read in the fandom. I really love Groundhog Day AU's, and this is a fine example of that. I love how Danny changes each day, taking advantage of what he learned the loop before to try and make things better the next trip around. For himself and for his friends. The solution for ending the time loop makes me laugh, because of course. Ember's writing style is easy to read and the story moves along briskly. This fic reminds me why I'm so fond of all these characters.