Convivial by The Hatter Theory (PG-13)

Nov 08, 2014 22:12

Title: Convivial
Fandom: Inuyasha
Pairing: Kagome/Sesshoumaru, Shippou/Souten, Inuyasha/OC
Categories/Genres: Romance, Post-Canon, Alternate Universe, Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Fluff, Humor, Slow Build
Length: Super Epic (146565 words)
Warnings: N/A

Author on LJ: N/A
Author Website: The Hatter Theory


On Halloween, Kagome decides to dress as her utter opposite. Of course, she never expected to run into him.


The part of me that's gnashing its teeth at how good this fic is wants me to yell, “READ IT. NOW.” and have that be the rec. Its more diligent, responsible counterpart is also gnashing its teeth, but wants to gush and gush and gush about this fic for a few thousand words. Hopefully I will find a happy medium.

Convivial, as far as I am concerned, is the best post-canon Kagome/Sesshoumaru romance, bar none. It's so good that it made me like poetry and I hate poetry, okay. The characterization is a outstanding extrapolation of the canonical characters, five hundred years having aged and mellowed the demons (and half-demons) without taking away the spark of what makes them who they are. The six years that have passed since Kagome returned from the Feudal Era for good have changed her in many ways, not all for the better, and the consequences of those changes ripple endlessly through the story and Kagome's relationships with the demons she's united with.

While I'm generally leery of original characters, I absolutely adored The Hatter Theory's additions to the main cast. Each is dynamic and fascinating in their own way to the point that, when one briefly introduced character passes away, I felt a moment of sadness for the loss of them. Even the original characters who are indifferent to the story's progression or just plain jerks are able to draw out an emotional reaction.

Where The Hatter Theory truly excels is in writing characters as growing, changing entities. They discover, learn, evolve, and grow throughout the fic in ways that are enchanting, and sometimes heartwrenching, to watch. Kagome is particularly dynamic and, though one sometimes wants to smack her upside the head for her decisions, her motivations are realistic and her mistakes are learned from in due time.

On top of all that, The Hatter Theory's writing style is smooth and well polished, and the reason I chose to rec this fic rather than a far more well known Kagome/Sesshoumaru fic. There is some abrupt jumping around from one chapter to the next, a consequence of writing chapters according to prompts with unremarked time skips between, but the flow of the characters' emotions is consistent in spite of it.

Aaaaand, this rec got really long. So click the link down there and rEAD IT. NOW.


genre: friendship, genre: romance, genre: angst, genre: humor, recs by sheepnamedpig, genre: domestic, genre: first-time, genre: au, length: super!epic, pairing: het, genre: fluff, fandom: inuyasha, genre: drama, genre: post-canon

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