Title: this world is cracked & crazy
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Categories: AU, Action/Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Supernatural,
Length: Epic (40k)
Warnings:Character death; Child abuse; Mentions of past sexual abuse; Slavery
Author on LJ:
Sa_kun Summary:Stiles runs away from his old pack on a Monday. He meets his dad for the first time on a Sunday, and he falls in love on a Thursday.
Review: Stiles is a hermaphrodite Hyena were whose family has been hunted into extinction because of their differing biology.
It's interesting to see such a well researched story that takes into account the differing culture and instincts inherent in having more than one breed of were-creature in a pack.
The story also explores the differences in what it would mean for someone like Derek, who was born to be a beta, to suddenly be thrust into the role of Alpha. And how things would change if a born-Alpha came into the picture to become the Hale Alpha.
this world is cracked & crazy