Company by Esama (PG-13)

Oct 09, 2014 00:10

Title: Company
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7
Pairing: Vincent/Cloud
Categories: AU
Length: Epic (41,037)
Warnings: None

Author on LJ: N/A
Author Website: AO3 | Tumblr

Author's Summary:
Cloud stopped planning a life in ShinRa and ShinRa definitely made no plans for him.

Cloud is so awesome in this fic it's almost hilarious.

This is a Cloud who never went to join ShinRa, who never tried to become a SOLDIER, and never went to Midgar, period. Here his mother gets sick and he needs to take care of her, so he puts aside all thoughts of leaving and starts doing what he can to make money to pay for her medical bills.

Then there's news that the president, his son, and the department heads have died, and the company is scrambling and nobody is doing anything about it. Tseng finds Cloud and Cloud finds out that, surprise, he was the president's bastard son. Somehow Cloud becomes president and from there everything is glorious.

No, I mean it. Cloud is the best goddamn president to ever be president. He's just so sensible and just rolls along with things and I love it and him and everything that is happening. This is the ultimate fix it fic without having to resort to time travel, and it's hilarious in an understated way. Cloud fixes the company bit by bit. Then he discovers the Lifestream is not a great energy source because it's finite (among other things) and decides, well, let's fix that too.

Cloud saves the planet by being a great company president. It's so, so great.


fandom: final fantasy 7, genre: au, length: epic, pairing: slash, recs by flyby311

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