Title: On Love, In Truth
Fandom: Swordspoint
Pairing: Richard/Alec
Categories: Romance
Length: Short (1,035)
Warnings: None
Author on LJ:
lelekAuthor Website:
AO3 Author's Summary:
Languishing in the harsh, brilliant light of an endless summer afternoon, Alec watches Richard practice against the wall of their sweltering room and wants.
This is just flat out lovely. This takes Alec and Richard and gives you a snapshot of a moment in their lives that is just about perfect. I love Swordspoint. It's beautiful and tragic and ugh, that book, and this little fic does that gem of a book credit. It sounds so perfectly in line with the words of the book it's like reading from one of the pages--it's that good. It's short and sweet and just rich in details and feelings.
As I said, it's nothing more than a moment in Alec and Richard's lives. Not even a particularly important one, but just them being at home. For all of that it's pretty much perfect. Definitely worth the read.
On Love, In Truth