last night's phrases, still writhing on my floor by ludgateing (NC-17)

Sep 10, 2014 08:13

Title: last night's phrases, still writhing on my floor
Fandom: Shameless
Pairing: Ian/Mickey
Categories: Romance, AU
Length: Long (15,152)
Warnings: Unhappy Ending (that's more like regret and kind of missed opportunities but still makes you sad okay)

Author on LJ: N/A
Author Website: Tumblr

Author's Summary:
something in that smile keeps fucking with his judgment.

Let me just say that the fic isn't exactly unhappy in the end (well, it is, a bit, who am I kidding), but it's definitely of the tone of full of unspoken feelings that go on unfulfilled because of reasons. So if you want a perfectly neat, happy ending then, uh, steer clear (to be honest I like happy endings. I don't know what possessed me to read this [oh wait, I didn't know the ending, ha] but it was just really good).

What do I know about Shameless. Not much, I admit with absolutely no apologies. What I do know is good writing and dynamic characters and words that just tug at my heart and squeeze. In this fic Mickey and Ian have a one night stand that turns out to be not quite a one night stand. They continue to meet each other throughout the weekend; whatever it is that they're doing just falls in their laps and it's completely unexpected, but not unwelcome. It's just sometimes there are circumstances that kill the happy ending (that make me flail and grow a bit weepy). B-but hey, maybe in the future? Maybe?

Uh, in any case. This is just excellent. The romance is bumpy and not perfect, but just wonderful because of that. For all that the fic isn't too long and takes place over the span of a weekend, the relationship just unfolds beautifully. I loved it, even though it also made me sad in the end.

last night phrases, still writhing on my floor

genre: romance, genre: au, genre: sad_stories, pairing: slash, recs by flyby311, length: long, fandom: shameless

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