The True Story of the Butterfly and the Bumblebee by Renay (M)

Aug 30, 2014 19:36

Title: The True Story of the Butterfly and the Bumblebee
Fandom: Final Fantasy 8
Pairing: Seifer Almasy/Zell Dincht
Categories/Genres: Alternate Universe, Humor, Pining, Fluff, Misunderstandings, Romance, First Time
Length: Medium (10102 words)
Warnings: N/A

Author on DW: ladybusiness
Author Website: Renay


Seifer Almasy doesn't do crushes, but the rules in his reality have never really applied to Zell, anyway.


Flashing back to the past with this rec, all the way to the early 2000s.

As far as I'm concerned, this is the Seifer/Zell romcom fic. For me, it's one of a very select few of Final Fantasy 8 fics that I'll read more than once. I have yet to read another FF8 romance that matches the solidity of its characterization, the sharpness of its banter, and the cuteness of the romance itself.

Seifer is arrogant and mean, but his self-awareness and the rare moments of vulnerability that his feelings for Zell give rise to provide a depth of emotion to his character that makes him adorably abrasive instead of just another jerk. Zell becomes an excellent foil to his personality, all high-energy and hasty action to counter Seifer's more steady-going nature and long-term planning.

While it's hard to settle on my single favorite aspect of this fic, I think the one thing that has always stood out to me, even when I was a young teen still new to slash and fanfiction, is the subtle way the intensity of Seifer's feelings are explored. It's not really stated outright, more couched in terms of Seifer's 'crush', but it's pretty clear early on from his actions and reactions that what Seifer feels goes beyond the commonly accepted parameters of a simple crush. The reader is never, at any moment, given the idea that Seifer's feelings are in any way transient. This makes Zell's skittishness and reluctance all the more nerve-wracking, since the story being told from Seifer's perspective means it's hard to get a clear idea of what's going on in Zell's head at any given moment. Sometimes it's obvious, but more often not so.

Well, I say all that, but the real reason I like this fic is because Seifer is such an adorable idiot in love.

The True Story of the Butterfly and the Bumblebee

genre: romance, genre: humor, recs by sheepnamedpig, length: medium, genre: first-time, genre: au, genre: fluff, fandom: final fantasy 8, pairing: slash

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