I Want You to Feel Familiar by scioscribe (rating)

Aug 16, 2014 23:02

Title: I Want You to Feel Familiar
Fandom: Welcome to Night Vale
Pairing: Carlos/Cecil Palmer
Categories/Genres: Memory alteration, Established relationship, Hurt/comfort, Romance, Fluff
Length: Medium (2367 words)
Warnings: N/A

Author on LJ: N/A
Author Website: scioscribe


“I know who you are,” Cecil said, finally looking at him. His pupils were still just pinpricks from the force of the light. “Carlos.” He rubbed his temples. “The power,” he said, “was out for a really long time. Citizens with power outages, especially during times of rolling blackouts, may experience a temporary sense of identity dislocation.”

(Well, Carlos is going to fix that.)


As much as I love Welcome to Night Vale, it frustrates me endlessly how little of it we get to enjoy. One twenty to thirty minute episode every two weeks. Two episodes a month. Twenty-four precious episodes in a year. That's twenty-four days we get to peek into the intricate town of Night Vale out of three hundred sixty-five, (temporal incidents notwithstanding).

More lately, I've also developed a minor facial tic when I think about how [oops spoiler!]Carlos and Cecil are still in separate dimensions and not able to be cute dorky boyfriends with each other.
I have a mighty need, okay?

I Want You to Feel Familiar is the perfect remedy to both of these ailments, expanding a minor segment from an early episode into an event with actual consequence and emotional impact. Cecil is strikingly fragile in it, struggling to reconnect the hard data of his memories with the abstract emotions he knows should be attached to them. Carlos fumbles, sciences, and makes everything better.

I Want You to Feel Familiar

genre: romance, genre: established relationship, recs by sheepnamedpig, genre: hurt/comfort, length: medium, fandom: welcome to night vale, genre: fluff, pairing: carlos/cecil

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