Near, But Not Far-The End by SC182 (Nc17)

Aug 07, 2014 10:01

Title: Near, But Not Far-The End
Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Clark Kent/Lex Luthor/Chloe Sullivan
Categories: AU, Post-Canon, Romance
Length: Medium (4k)
Warnings: Apocalypse; Lots of Character Death;

Author on LJ: supercaptain182
Author Website: Sc182 Ao3

Summary: As he turned his attention back to the screen, something in the pit of his stomach churned uneasily.

It was a feeling he couldn't shake and the more his mind wandered to the rotating image of Chloe exiting his front door, the worse he felt.
Something wasn’t right.

Review: Zombie Apocalypse Smallville Style. This is a slow building story even though it is very short. Lex, Chloe, and Clark get locked in the castle with no way out.

They don’t have enough time or people to make a new society, so instead they create a co-dependent trio of survivors with no real future except in each other.

The writing is tight and I love how the apocalypse doesn’t fix everything and make everybody ready to work together, even though they don’t really have a choice.

Near, But Not Far-The End

genre: romance, genre: au, pairing: threesome, recs by chibifukurou, length: medium, fandom: smallville, genre: post-canon

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