Demon Alchemist Series by metisket (R)

Jul 16, 2014 09:11

Title: Demon Alchemist (Series)
Fandom: Full Metal Alchemist
Pairing: None
Categories: AU, Gen, Crazy Ed, Humor
Length: Epic (88,462)
Warnings: Ed being crazy and killing people (who are bad guys, but still)

Author on LJ: metisket
Author Website: AO3 | Tumblr

Author's Summary:
“Yeah, yeah, I know. You’re doin’ your best. It’s just your best isn’t quite good enough, Colonel. So while you’re doing whatever the hell it is you do, I’ll be here cleaning up after you.”

While technically this is a complete series, I figure I might as well rec the entire series all together because it is flat out amazing. You want something that is both hilarious and capable of giving you so many feelings about short homicidal alchemists? You want something so cleanly written and smooth that you barely notice time going by? You want awesome characters being even more awesome, even when they kind of fail? Yeah. Read this. You really won't regret it.

This fic takes the timeline of FMA and yanks it around by having Ed survive his attempts at human transmutation, but Al didn't. I know, I know, depressing, and it is, but this fic takes place several years past this event when Ed is known as the Demon Alchemist who goes around killing people who are murderers and pretty much case closed guilty parties. He's more than a little broken, but he's somehow still hilarious. He gets embroiled with both Roy (who treats him with a healthy dose of wariness and slight fear) and Hughes (who is as crazy as Ed, only in a different way) as well as this plot that threatens to destroy the world.

The character interactions are the best. The many layers of Ed interacting with Roy interacting with Hughes interacting with everyone else and the different relationships each person has to one another--well. And it's so true to canon it's amazing. Also, the funny. Ed perches in trees because that's a good vantage point! He frightens the pants off of people on purpose! Well. Sometimes.

The plot does get more serious later on, but it never dips into being too angst-heavy or without any laughter. It just makes me happy to read (not to mention even rereadings keep me up at night because I have to finish it--I may have a slight problem. Just slight.)

Demon Alchemist

genre: friendship, genre: humor, genre: action/adventure, pairing: gen, genre: au, length: epic, recs by flyby311, fandom: fullmetal alchemist

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