backslide by blackkat (R)

Jun 25, 2014 13:17

Title: backslide
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Kakashi/Future!Naruto (main pairing), Future!Sasuke/Future!Naruto, Present!Sasuke/Present!Naruto (minor)
Categories: Time travel, Angst, Humor, Family feels, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Action/Adventure
Length: Super Epic (128,352)
Warnings: Violence

Author on LJ: black_k_kat
Author Website: | AO3

Author's Summary:
Naruto’s friends are gone, his lover is dying, Konoha is destroyed, and Madara’s second return has pushed the entire world to the brink. Hunted and harried, Naruto is sent back in time to upend Madara’s plan before it even starts, and sets about changing everything. Butterfly effect nothing: the world is at stake, and Naruto is hardly about to let it fall to ruin once more. Not while he’s still breathing.

Here. Have something that's completely amazing and long and plotty and did I mention amazing yet? Include a trope I absolutely love (time travel!), the fact that it's over 100k words, and that it's actually complete (do any of you have any idea how hard it is to find a complete time traveling fic. Do you. I didn't think so.) and you have the recipe for something truly special.

This fic. This fic just punches you in the gut with the angst and then the fluff and so many make shift happy families that make you (well, me) squeeze your pillow in joy because there's nobody else near enough for you to half-strangle in your glee. It starts off depressing what with Naruto sending himself back into time and yet leaving Sasuke behind because there's no other choice if they want to make things better, and ugh, your heart starts hurting from the beginning. Naruto sends himself back to the time just before the genin teams are assembled, and makes himself at home in Konoha under a new name (Kurama; he's called this for the rest of the fic) as he pretends to be an Uzumaki survivor.

It's a fix-it fic. It fixes just about everything and it does it unashamedly and with so much fluff. There is angst to balance out the fluff, but it's such a... bonding fic. Not just romance wise (which comes slowly), but friendships! Families that aren't blood related! If you want a sure-fire way to rocket a fic into my heart it would be make-shift families that love each other.

This doesn't happen quickly. You have Kurama (future!Naruto, remember) slowly getting the ball rolling. He collects Naruto and somehow collects Sasuke and Sakura and they learn how to be a true team as Kakashi and Kurama teach them. The friendships that form, the way that they're so much stronger together than apart, is just really heart warming.

The romance is sloooow. But is awesome. Kurama was in love with Sasuke (future!), but there's absolutely no way he'll get that relationship back, and the fact that both he and future!Sasuke acknowledge that actually made me flat out not want Kurama in a relationship for a while. But somehow the author manages to make the fic and relationships progress enough that it felt natural that Kurama and Kakashi grow closer and fall in love with one another.

It does feel self-indulgent, but in the best of ways and without going too crazy. It's fun. It's sometimes silly, sometimes sad, and just rather fluffy. If fluff isn't your cup of tea then I'd steer clear because this really ramps up the warm fuzzies after a while. It's a fic that turns the team into a family and manages to make everything better, and sometimes that's all that you want to read. This more than delivers.


genre: friendship, fandom: naruto, genre: romance, genre: angst, genre: humor, genre: action/adventure, genre: time-travel, length: super!epic, genre: fluff, pairing: slash, recs by flyby311, genre: family

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