The Wrath of The Whatever From High Atop the Thing by amazingly_me (PG-13)

Jun 18, 2014 12:31

Title: The Wrath of The Whatever From High Atop the Thing
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Eames/Arthur
Categories: AU, Humor
Length: Medium (5,792)
Warnings: None

Author on LJ: amazingly_me (old), and_backagain (current)
Author Website: AO3

Author's Summary:
“Pictures of Dom tonight, Eames,” Yusuf replies from the doorway, “or I swear to you, I will point out to Arthur that he has a stalker with no shame and a thousand dollar camera.” From celebutaunt's prompt at the kink meme, "Cobb is the presidential candidate, Ariadne is his running mate, Yusuf is campaign manager, Saito is the sponsor, and Eames is the campaign photographer who spends way too much time taking picture of Cobb's speechwriter, Arthur."

I love this kind of humor in fic--a tongue-in-cheek flair that can edge into serious (and does) and then back into humor with a deft hand. You have Arthur and Eames as part as Cobb's presidential campaign and it's basically just a cheek-splitting smile from start to end. There are moments of seriousness, but it feels natural and never becomes too over the top, which can happen in humorous fics a little too easily.

The way that Eames sort of just is completely in love with Arthur is so apparent, even ignoring him snapping pictures of Arthur at any given moment. The rest of the characters are awesome as well. Cobb is the candidate that can't at all be compared to the average man, but he has ideas that can actually work and isn't that what matters in the end? Ariadne is his running mate who's young, but she's whip-smart and still so much fun. Yusuf is brilliant and sometimes borders on despairing about Eames, but he always has Eames's back. Arthur is just... brilliant. You just end up liking everyone so much.

It's such a fun fic. It's beautifully paced--it never feels too fast or too slow, with just the right amount of highs and lows that it feels complete in of itself. The prose has the right amount of understatement and ridiculousness without tipping over into too much. A beautifully solid read that's more than good for a laugh.

The Wrath of The Whatever From High Atop the Thing

pairing: arthur/eames, genre: romance, genre: humor, fandom: inception, length: medium, genre: au, pairing: slash, recs by flyby311

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