Christening Gift (PG) by Marcus Rowland

Jun 17, 2014 00:01

Title: Christening Gift
Fandom: Good Omens/The Saint
Categories: Humour
Length: Short (1,900 words)

Author on LJ: ffutures
Author Website: Marcus's profile on Twisting the Hellmouth

1947, and The Saint goes shopping for a christening present.

This story is part of a series of The Saint crossovers that Marcus has hosted on TtH. It does stand on its own, however, and I'm including it here because it's a splendid example of understated British humour.

Believe it or not, this is a fix-it story. Marcus wanted to explain Simon Templar's longevity in a way that didn't use Highlander-style Immortals, the Holy Grail or the Fountain of Youth. Somehow this turned into The Saint wandering into a bookshop owned Mr A.Z. Fell and, despite all the odds, buying a book from him. Several, in fact.

It's not laugh out loud funny, but it fits very nicely with the gentle humour of both sources without needing to get into the more action-oriented realms of either. The characters are all spot on; Simon and Patricia are suitably amused at proceedings, Crowley is cheerfully misleading, and Aziraphel bumbles in the right direction in just the right way. In short, it's a light enjoyable literary pick-you-up for when you need some refreshment. Excellent stuff.

Christening Gift

fandom: small fandom, length: short, genre: humor, genre: crossover, recs by ci5rod, fandom: good omens, pairing: gen

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