Heartbeat at my Feet by Arsenic (NC-17)

Jun 04, 2014 23:50

Title: Heartbeat at my Feet
Fandom: Suits
Pairing: Harvey/Mike
Categories: AU, Romance
Length: Long (16,109)
Warnings: BDSM (pretty light, but discussions of and a spanking scene)

Author on LJ: arsenicjade
Author Website: AO3

Author's Summary:
Dr. Harvey Specter, DVM, gets assigned oversight of Mike Ross' sentenced community service hours at the local university's veterinary clinic.

It's probably really obvious that I love AUs and, well, yeah. I totally do, haha. This one takes Mike, Harvey, and the rest of the gang, and places them in the vet clinic. You have Mike, floundering and yet always willing to do what it takes to help his grandma, who is sentenced community service hours at the clinic because he took the board test for a candidate. The entire premise mirrors Suits' except in a different location, and the characters are wholly like themselves.

It's just great. Mike is magical and an apparent vicious dog named Cupcake loves him (and who wouldn't?). Harvey kind of gives Mike a sidelong look, but just sort of rolls with it, and everyone and everything is brilliant. The pace is nice and easy; I would have liked more to read, but I think it's mostly my greed talking, haha.

The romance is less of a slow build and more of a matter-o-fact sort of thing where Harvey arranges it so that Mike won't feel pressured and Mike is a little surprised but on board. The BDSM is light, but it's plainly there later on, so do keep that in mind because there's only faint hints until near the end. It felt a little sudden when reading as Harvey jumps into the conversation with little fanfare, and therefore a little jarring.

All in all, a fun read and Cupcake the dog kind of steals the show because she's fantastic.

Heartbeat at my Feet

genre: romance, fandom: suits, length: long, genre: au, pairing: harvey/mike, pairing: slash, recs by flyby311, genre: bdsm

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