Point of a Pistol by Giddygeek (R)

Apr 26, 2014 21:13

Title: Point of a Pistol
Fandom: Person of Interest
Pairing: Harold Finch/John Reese
Categories/Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Pre-Slash, Romance,
Length: Long (25422 words)
Warnings: Character Death: [Spoiler](Root)

Author on LJ: giddygeek
Author Website: Giddygeek


Root returns to claim what's hers.


One of the aspects of Person of Interest that I dearly love is the slowly evolving relationship between Finch and Reese. They begin as absolute strangers, dependent upon but untrusting of each other. Slowly, ever so slowly, trust and friendship begin to form between them, growing into an unswerving and unbreakable devotion.

Point of a Pistol subtly explores that devotion through Reese's perspective. The reader can see the care that Reese takes with Finch, the bone-deep need to keep Finch safe from danger, exposure, Finch's own workaholic habits, and occasionally even from Reese himself. In return, Finch grants Reese little peeks at those things about himself that he goes well out of his way to hide from the world.

This isn't your standard action/adventure fic. No, it follows more along the lines of the canon itself, moving slowly but deliberately toward moments of frenetic action. It's thoughtful, and thought provoking, and just like canon, deeply invested in the bond of trust and care between the two leads.

Point of a Pistol

genre: romance, genre: pre-slash, genre: action/adventure, recs by sheepnamedpig, length: long, fandom: person of interest, genre: drama, pairing: slash, pairing: harold finch/john reese

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