Title: Seasons May Change
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Categories: AU, fluff, friendship, kidfic, a little angst, romance
Length: Epic (40,000)
Warnings: None
Author on LJ: n/a
Author's website:
alianne on tumblr
Summary: From the time he's five years old, Kurt's best friend lives right across the street - at least for the holidays. (A story about friendship, loneliness and love, told through a series of summers and winters.)
This is a beautiful story about growing up and growing into a relationship. Told entirely from Kurt's point of view, it takes us from his very earliest years through meeting his best friend, losing his best friend, and regaining his best friend and now boyfriend. It's about Kurt discovering himself and discovering what it means to have one person who means the world to you.
Told through snapshots from the summer and winter of fourteen years of Kurt Hummel's life, this fic starts out as the cutest, fluffiest thing you've ever read until it becomes a dramatic and moving story of commitment and love. Kurt and Blaine grow up together and get to keep each other throughout their entire lives, be each other's ports in the storms, each other's forevers. Their romantic relationship is beautifully based on the lifetime of experiences they share.
Kurt's voice is wonderful, perfectly in character--even as a child he still holds an air of tiny superiority--and over the years he develops seamlessly into the amazing character who graces our television screens today. Blaine, too, is excellently written, bright and eager and as always, eternally loyal.
This made me giggle and cry a little, but mostly squee a lot. Especially if you're a Kurt stan, I can't recommend it enough.
Seasons May Change