No Place Like by Xparrot (PG-13)

Mar 08, 2014 21:35

Title: No Place Like
Fandom: Welcome to Night Vale
Pairing: Carlos/Cecil Palmer
Categories/Genres: Established Relationship, Slice of Life, Domestic, Fluff, Romance
Length: Medium (3724 words)
Warnings: N/A

Author on LJ: xparrot
Author Website: Xparrot


When Cecil said, "I've heard many couples find it romantic--it's a fun bonding experience!" Carlos considered the Night Vale definitions of 'romantic', 'fun' and 'bonding', then took out another life insurance policy.
Housewarming, Night Vale-style.


Usually, when I review a fic, I have a theme I know I want to work with, a proverbial dead horse to beat and a few favorite fic elements to beat it with. This time though, no such luck. There's just something about Xparrot's No Place Like that grabbed me and sucked me in, and then spat me out saying, “Welp, that's this week's rec.” Maybe it's the characterization, how Carlos and Cecil are simultaneously completely normal and utterly bizarre in turns. Maybe it's Cecil's boundless love and hope or Carlos' fear of the normal and mundane and unfascinating. Maybe it's the bravery that they both show in putting so much faith in their relationship. Maybe it's the house and its charming quirks. Who knows?

No Place Like

genre: romance, genre: established relationship, recs by sheepnamedpig, genre: domestic, length: medium, fandom: welcome to night vale, genre: fluff, pairing: slash, pairing: carlos/cecil

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