Tony Stark: Appliance Whisperer by Alex51324 (Pg)

Feb 27, 2014 10:28

Title: Tony Stark: Appliance Whisperer
Fandom: Avengers (Marvel MCU)
Pairing: Gen
Categories: AU, Crack, Friends, Humor, Post-Canon
Length: Medium (12k)
Warnings:Past Child Abuse, Mentions of Animal Abuse

Author on LJ: Alex51324
Website: Alex51324

Summary:After Tony over-reacts to some SHIELD agents breaking a microwave oven, Steve begins to wonder if there's something the team should know.
1. Abuse of sentient household appliances and brief comparisons of this to animal abuse.
2. Brief mentions of Howard Stark failing at both parenting and scientific ethics, YMMV as to whether this crosses the line into abuse.

Review: By this point anybody that has been reading my recs, knows that I love crack premises treated as actual serious thought-provoking fics.

This fic definitely delivers, both with the premise and the characterization. I love Tony in this. So rarely do I get to see a well-written Tony who didn't get his quirks because of PTSD or who is just too smart for people to follow his thought process.

Now for the actual premise, Tony has a mutant ability that is basically a telepathic and empathic connection to technology of all kinds. Partially from Tony's POV and partially from the other Avengers as they try to figure out what is going on with him, it is an interesting juxtaposition of the two impressions of technology. One that might leave you wondering what exactly your telephone thinks of you.

Tony Stark: Appliance Whisperer

genre: humor, fandom: marvel mcu, genre: crack, recs by chibifukurou, length: medium, pairing: gen, genre: au, genre: post-canon

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