say you mean it, seal it up by roachpatrol (PG-13)

Feb 24, 2014 08:55

Title: say you mean it, seal it up
Fandom: Homestuck
Pairing: Sollux Captor/Dave Strider, established Sollux Captor/Aradia Megido
Categories: Everyone's a troll, hurt/comfort, abusive relationship (not the pairings above), moirallegiance, matesprits, Bro Strider
Length: Medium (5,180)
Warnings: Graphic violence and injury, abusive relationship

Author on LJ: roachpatrol (no longer active)
Author Website:

Author's Summary: “Daevit Stride, at your service,” he drawls. “Y’know, while we’re being so very courteous and polite in the course of these here introductions.” He kicks a foot up at you and you can see the cholerbear trap clamped around his leg, teeth sunk in through sneaker and jeans all the way to flesh. There’s a glint in the ragged depths of the shredded denim that you really, really hope isn’t bone. “Lend a hand, buddy?”

Dave's still brash and rambling as Daevit the troll. He's got a cholerbear trap dug into his leg, so he may not be at his most obnoxiously charming, but he keeps up the bravado when a bored, Wi-Fi deprived Sollux wanders out and finds him helpless in the grass near Aradia's dig site. Aradia's sweet and badass; Sollux is the smartass who will risk his life for someone he met today.

What you get is some prime hurt/comfort, dramatic rescue attempts, and calling an end to domestic violence (with Bro, who's an awful mix of life-threateningly abusive and determined to keep Daevit with him).

Even more importantly, you get roachpatrol's as-always-stellar dialogue and snarky details that make you feel like you're there... at Aradia's hive... in "The Great Lower Than The Great Mid South Continent Plains But Still Higher Than The Lower South Continent Plains Plains."

say you mean it, seal it up

genre: action/adventure, genre: established relationship, genre: hurt/comfort, fandom: homestuck, length: medium, genre: au, pairing: het, recs by mothlights, genre: drama, pairing: slash

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