They Saved Milton Keynes by Marcus L Rowland (R)

Jan 20, 2014 23:43

It's Small Fandoms week! Since I've been reccing small fandoms every week this month, I thought I'd do something special. So here is a story featuring not just one fandom that has less than five recs here, not two, not even three, but fo- er, five small fandoms. Six if you count Captain Scarlet, which only gets a walk-on part. Well, fall-on, but still.

Title: They Saved Milton Keynes
Fandom: Top Gear/Yes Minister/Wallace & Grommit/The Sky At Night/The Clangers/Captain Scarlet
Categories: Gen, crack, filkish associations, did I mention crack?
Length: Medium (7,800)
Warnings: May cause cackling, coffee snorting and uncontrollable bouts of whistling.

Author on LJ: ffutures
Author Website: Marcus's profile on Twisting the Hellmouth

When Britain is in danger, and there isn't enough time to get help from the other major powers, the Prime Minister turns to a team with a history of solving unusual problems. After all, how hard can it be?

Really, all I should need to say is that this is another example of Marcus Rowland's brilliantly twisted imagination. An asteroid is detected approaching Earth, on a collision course with the city of Milton Keynes. Couldn't happen to a nicer place, but Prime Minister Jim Hacker is aware that some voters do live there, and letting them get squashed might not look good on his public record. With a limited budget and a space programme that consists of one man and his dog, he calls on a team used to doing stupid things with not much money: the Top Gear presenters.

From there on, things only get sillier.

The most wonderful thing about this story is that despite the ludicrous things going on, all the characters remain spot on. Marcus has the voices of everyone exactly right - I can well imagine Clarkson, Hammond and May delivering their lines exactly as written - and somehow makes the mix of real and imaginary characters seem perfectly... well, natural isn't the right word, but you know what I mean.

While a lot of this story (and all of the fandoms) is very British, I don't think that matters a great deal. As long as you are aware of Top Gear and Wallace & Grommit (and many people are), you'll have enough to understand what's going on. Besides, you'll be too busy laughing at the utterly insane logic driving the whole exercise to care.

They Saved Milton Keynes

fandom: small fandom, genre: humor, genre: crossover, recs by ci5rod, genre: crack, length: medium, pairing: gen, genre: science fiction

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