Unspoiled by forthright (PG)

Nov 27, 2013 04:16

Title: Unspoiled
Fandom: Inuyasha
Pairing: Sesshoumaru/Kagome
Categories: Drama, AU, Romance, Time Traveling, Family Feels~, Fluff
Length: Super Epic (167,228)
Warnings: None

Author on LJ: forthrightly
Author Website: FF.net

Author's Summary:
Something goes awry during a trip through the Well, and Kagome is stranded in the distant past where she encounters a familiar face. When a very young Sesshoumaru decides to keep her, the consequences ripple through time.

This fic is, hands down, one of my favorite Inuyasha fics ever. Inuyasha holds a special place in my heart, if only because I loved that show when I was younger, and Sesshoumaru is one of my favorites. And Kagome is one of my favorites. Ergo, Sesshoumaru and Kagome together is my favorite of favorites for this show and--uh, I'm getting off track. Whoops.

This is wonderful. You have Sesshoumaru who, at least in the beginning, is young (a child, really) and untried, but is still himself. Still reserved and proud and kind of terrifying, but he's a child. Kagome is confused and is clutching onto Sesshoumaru because he's familiar (and even then not all that familiar), but somehow their relationship grows in leaps and bounds. But not in a creepy way! There's no hint of any sort of romantic relationship when Kagome is together with Sesshoumaru in the past. Mostly there's a lot of affection and warm fuzzy feelings that have more to do with them being a pack and family.

This fic also takes an original character and runs away with it. Beautifully. Hisoka was so convincing as a character I paused in the middle of the fic, tilted my head, and went, "Wait, maybe he was actually some sort of really minor character...?" (I did a brief Google search. Answer is no, haha). Each character is nuanced. Each one has their own motivations and feelings and hopes, but they all mesh so well with one another. I found each person absolutely spot on.

The fic does do some time jumping, with most of the fic set in the past with Kagome and a young Sesshoumaru, but a good chunk of the fic is set in the future with the emergence of feelings. It's not an instant-click sort of thing either, there's still plenty of uncertainty and confusion (on Kagome's part, at least), but you never doubt the fact that she and Sesshoumaru would get together and be happy.

The story itself was written as a series of drabbles that interlock with one another, which might be a bit off putting to some, but it still flowed very well for me. I had no trouble with moving from one part to the next and a lot of the drabbles are direct continuations of the previous ones. If you want romance from the start this isn't the fic for you, but if you don't mind the long way around, lots of fluff, and the thought of how the past, present, and future are all related, well. Read the fic. You really won't be disappointed.


genre: friendship, genre: future, genre: romance, genre: au, genre: time-travel, length: super!epic, pairing: het, genre: fluff, genre: drama, fandom: inuyasha, recs by flyby311, genre: family

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