The Extraordinary Experiences of an Unusual Sidekick In the City by trulyesoteric (NC-17)

Nov 19, 2013 00:09

It almost feels like cheating to take my AU Week recs from Supernatural RPS fandom. Also I missed last week, so here, have two.

Title: The Extraordinary Experiences of an Unusual Sidekick In the City
Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Categories: AU, superheroes
Length: Epic (44,000 words)
Warnings: Four-colour comics-level violence

Author on LJ: trulyesoteric
Author Website:

Author's Summary:
Jared Padalecki, Class Two Superhero, has lived his entire life in his small town. Another disappointing Superboyfriend is the kick that he needs to get out. He arrives in the City, expecting to be overwhelmed, instead it seems that he finds everything that he has always been looking for.

I love superheroes, and there are some cracking J-squared superhero stories out there. This one has vague echoes of Sky High rather than DC or Marvel with its classification of heroes into different classes, and that's one of the reasons I love it. It's appropriately larger than life, and still not afraid to toss outrageous ideas at the reader at frequent intervals.

It has plenty of outrageous ideas, as well. There's the Superhero Shield of Obliviousness (apparently a domino mask really is enough to keep your identiry an iron-clad secret, even from your boyfriend); there is Misha, and who could not love a telepathic mentor who quacks occasionally; there is a Chad who would be an awesome super if he didn't have the attention span of a ferret; there are powers that could and have destroyed countries; and not one place in the entire story gets a proper name.

OK, so there are a few rough edges in the storytelling, a few places where the short sentence, short paragraph comics-book style gets a bit too short, but it more than makes up for it by making me feel like a kid again. A kid who has just raided his big brother's soft porn collection, granted, but that's just the kind of story this is.

The Extraordinary Experiences of an Unusual Sidekick In the City

pairing: jared/jensen, genre: au, fandom: supernatural rps, genre: action/adventure, genre: harlequin, length: epic, recs by ci5rod

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