Inertia by bookgodess15 (R)

Oct 14, 2013 10:55

Title: Inertia
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek/Stiles pre-slash, but reads like Gen for most of it. A line about possible future Cora/Stiles too, which I didn't read to be anything more than growing friendship. --- I feel like I should just do the Facebook thing and say "It's Complicated"
Categories: Post-canon, road trip, drama, angst, post-trauma, nemeton, emotional hurt/comfort, family, friendship
Length: Long (21,608 words)
Warnings: Author's warnings: One panic attack, and brief, non-descriptive references to child abuse/neglect, animal death, and drowning

Author on LJ: bookgodess15
Author Websites:

Author's Summary: The last thing Derek and Cora are expecting to find outside their motel room is a gaunt Stiles Stilinski, lacrosse bag on one shoulder and the weight of the world on the other.

Here's a road trip with three people who are not entirely sure what the hell they're doing, but they're all hurting and at a loss about how to make things better.

Stiles is fleeing from a post-ice-bath traumatic experience that even he doesn't understand (so it takes a while before we can get the full, angsty story), but though he seems to be the worst off, he's the one who gets Derek and Cora moving again (see title) both literally and figuratively. He's too open and energetic to allow them to keep ignoring their issues.

Derek's been telling himself he's just trying to make Cora happy, but Cora has some serious anger problems. Her temper and Stiles' personality combine to land a hapless Derek in an almost parental role for a while.

There's a lot of suspense surrounding what's gone on between Stiles and his dad. And the heart of this is a great progression in the relationships between these three -- toward more warmth and understanding -- and how it helps each of them move forward. Plus this just reads differently from a lot of Teen Wolf fiction in a way that had me wanting to see where the author would take it.


genre: friendship, genre: pre-slash, genre: angst, genre: hurt/comfort, length: long, fandom: teen wolf, recs by mothlights, genre: drama, genre: post-canon, genre: family

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