King of Salt Beside the Sea by Villainyandgoodcheekbones

Sep 12, 2013 11:35

Title: King of Salt Beside the Sea
Fandom: Pacific Rim
Pairing: Aleksis Kaidanovsky/Sasha Kaidanovsky
Categories: AU, Fix-it, Post Canon
Length:Medium (10k)
Warnings:Near death experience

Author on LJ: Villainyandgoodcheekbones
Website: Villainyandgoodcheekbones

Summary:Someone is screaming, and the water is cold, and they are, any minute now, going to die. So they could clasp hands, run the rabbit down and die, feeling nothing but the memory.
Or they could fight.


Surviving is easy. It's what comes after that's hard.

Review: One of the first lines of this story is "They could reach out, clasp hands across the conn pod, and chase the rabbit down as far as it’ll go, and die on their wedding day, or his 18th birthday, or the first day they killed a Kaiju, Cherniy still whole and still home."

And that pretty much sums up, where this story fixes canon. The Kaidonovskies, don't chase the rabbit. Instead they fight, and survive. Because they are Russian, and just that tough and in love.

Don't read this if you tend to have problems with near-death experiences and drowning, but I promise it does have a happy ending if you do decide to read

King of Salt Beside the Sea

genre: au, pairing: het, genre: science fiction, fandom: pacific rim, recs by chibifukurou, length: medium, genre: post-canon

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