In the Hour After Zero by Amuly

Aug 23, 2013 21:37

Title: In the Hour After Zero
Fandom: Pacific Rim
Pairing: Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb
Categories: Action/Adventure, Friendship, Pre-Canon, Post-Canon, Romance,
Length:Medium (15k)
Warnings:Canon Typical Violence, Canon Character Death

Author on LJ: Amuly
Website: Amuly

Summary:In the case of Drs Newton Geiszler and Hermann Gottleib, "bickering like an old married couple" was actually a fairly literal description of them. After all, they had started dating one year after Newt came aboard the PPDC, then married two years after that. So maybe the "old" part of "old married couple" wasn't perfectly accurate, but it was really just technicalities at that point.

Review: This is a very sweet series of time stamps/snippets from the shared lives of Drs Newt Geiszler and Hermann Gottleib. I love what Amuly did with Hermann's limp, and how she uses it to both show his strength and Newt's loyalty.

I love how it starts out with Raliegh's POV to ground it in the timeline of the movie, before moving on to show all the time before and after the movie.

In the Hour After Zero

genre: friendship, genre: romance, genre: action/adventure, recs by chibifukurou, genre: science fiction, pairing: slash, fandom: pacific rim, genre: post-canon, genre: pre-canon

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