Title: The Care and Feeding of Lost Causes
Fandom: Avengers
Pairing: Bruce Banner/Clint Barton
Categories: Action/Adventure, Friendship, Romance, Post-Canon
Length:Epic (65k)
Warnings:Canon Typical Violence, Canon Character Death
Author on LJ:
Maskedfangirl Summary:“You’re a former hermit with a history of depression and an alter ego who smashes buildings, and somehow you’ve found a person who gets you out interacting with the world. Trust me on this: hold onto him as hard as he will let you.”
Review: After the events of the Avengers movie, Clint and Natasha get assigned to be Bruce's escort around town.
Through their various trips out on the town, Clint and Bruce learn about each other and find out about all the things they have in common.
From there, their romance builds slowly and with amazing detail. Bruce's POV is lovely, with just enough sarcasm and plenty of heart. And I love how the rest of the Avengers help them to get past all of their personal issues and find love.
The Care and Feeding of Lost Causes