Space Bro by JumpingJackFlash (R)

Jul 01, 2013 08:48

Title: Space Bro
Fandom: Homestuck
Pairing: Karkat Vantas/Sollux Captor
Categories: Post Sburb, Humanstuck, Group Amnesia, First time, Romance, Friendship
Length: Medium (10,961)
Warnings: None

Author on LJ: gomichan (original fiction archive)
Author Website:
JumpingJackFlash and on tumblr as JumpingJackTrash

Author's Summary:
In which Karkat Vantas is a surly ex-Marine who is absolutely for sure NOT a gray space alien, nor has he ever been a gray space alien at any point in his life ever, regardless of what this weirdo Sollux Captor claims when they meet in a bar one miserable Friday night.

Marvel at the beauty of the "universe-spanning bro-ship" that is Space Bro! After the game, the trolls are human on Earth, and only Sollux remembers their previous lives. He's been searching for Karkat for thirteen years, but the hard part is telling him the truth without scaring him off.

JumpingJackFlash is terrific at making you care so much about the characters that you find yourself leaning forward in your seat. The dialog's great, and the narrative voice is so very Karkat. He's blustering and funny and vulnerable at once. Sollux is hopeful but aware that he sounds like a fruit loop and that his years of searching may lead to a sad sack of nothing. I especially love the memory of their last moments before the universe ended and the way Karkat handles the realization that Sollux is more than a friend.

After you enjoy this one, if you're ready for more, there's an Eridan/Equius story set in the same amnesiac universe: California Dreaming

"Excuse me," a man says, and there's a tap on your shoulder.

You twist the minimum necessary to look at him, and see him bounce back as if he expects you to throw a punch. You take him in at a glance: tall, skinny white guy, short brown hair, jeans and a t-shirt, mid-twenties. He has an unnervingly hopeful expression on his face, like he thinks you're someone famous and he's about to ask for your autograph.

He's going to hit on you. You brace yourself to be polite about turning him down. Rejecting gay guys is just about the only time you make an effort to be nice; someone has to do something about the stereotype of military men being foaming rabid homophobes.

"Your name's Karkat Vantas, isn't it?" He has The Lisp. Bingo. He goes on without waiting for your answer; your expression must be enough confirmation. "I'm Sollux Captor. Do you remember me?"

"No. Did we go to high school together or something?" You're pretty sure you didn't. You would've remembered a name that weird.

"No, it's... sorry. Shit. I hoped you'd recognize me. At this point I don't really know how to proceed."

"Proceed by telling me where the fuck I'm supposed to know you from."

"Mind if I sit?"

"You better fucking sit, I'm done craning my neck at you."

He gives a dry, fond chuckle as he takes the stool next to you. It's not the kind of laugh a stranger uses. It weirds you out somewhat. "So you don't... I don't look familiar to you at all?" he prompts.

"A little. I could've seen you anywhere. This very establishment, for instance. What do you want?"

"I want you to hear me out and not automatically reject what I have to say just because you're pissed off at reality," he says. Again with that wry fondness. Again with the weirding you out. "I know," he adds quickly, holding up a hand. "I know what you're about to say."

"Oh really," you drawl.

His next words come out in a near-perfect imitation of your voice: "Sure, total fucking stranger, please allow me to credulously accept whatever bullshit story you've cooked up to scam me, would you like me to fetch my bank book? I'll just make the check out to Shitbag Douchefuck in the amount of Go Strangle Yourself."

There's a long pause while you stare at him in disbelief. That's the best Karkat Vantas impression you've ever heard, and he is far from the first guy to try it. "How," you begin.

Space Bro (AO3)
on tumblr

genre: friendship, genre: romance, fandom: homestuck, length: medium, genre: first-time, genre: au, recs by mothlights, pairing: slash, genre: amnesia

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