We've come to the close of our crossover/fusion week here at
epic_recs. We'd love to hear about any favorite fics you've enjoyed that mash-up two or more fandoms.
Things to keep in mind:
-Recced stories can be any length, any fandom, and any pairing, as long as they fit the theme
-You don't need to write a review (unless you want to). All that you need to include are title, author, and link to the story (all parts if there are more than one).
-Stories as a single file are preferred, if available.
- WE ARE CURRENTLY SEEKING NEW RECCERS. Reccers are accepted by invitation only and the invitations are issued primarily based on their response to RR posts. If you're interested in reccing each week, respond to this post (or one of the previous RR posts) with a full rec, including Title, Author, Rating, Pairing, Genres, Length, Summary, and Review (including details of why you liked the story).
Today's Topic: Crossover/Fusion
Previous Readers' Recs topics can be found