Spruce Moose by sharpest_rose & angstslashhope (PG-13)

Apr 24, 2013 14:36

Title: Spruce Moose
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Categories: Crack, Humor
Length: Short (1,037 words)
Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ: sharpest_rose & angstslashhope /
Author Website: SharpestRose on AO3 ; Hope on AO3

In which Jack microwaves his TARDIS coral.

Jack decides to jump-start his proto-TARDIS coral's growth with a little microwaving.. It works, creating a microwave/TARDIS after Jack's heart, and reasons for Gwen to never ever be the first one into work. Ianto, Jack and Gwen are all hilarious (especially Ianto's internal monologue). This is a silly bit of early Torchwood fun, and it gives me the giggles.

The ladder from Jack's bedroom into his office was fitted with a motion sensor, because once upon a time Jack had been entranced by a DVD of 'Sorority Boys' which Tosh had accidentally left in her locked desk drawer overnight. He'd enjoyed the film very much but felt perplexed and unfulfilled by the scene in which that lovely Adina had been forced to do a Walk of Shame. Jack felt very strongly that exits from sexual encounters should be accompanied by music, certainly, but not a chant of disgust and guilt -- social orgasms were an occasion for fanfare.

Thus, the motion sensor. And thus, Gwen's bleary-eyed wait in front of the microwave for her mug of hot water with a teabag in it was interrupted one morning by a blare of Philip Sousa's "Liberty Bell" as Ianto climbed into view. He held a white t-shirt and a pair of navy blue socks to his face with the hand not holding the topmost rung, and was in the process of taking a long inhale through his nose.

Gwen regretted deciding to come into work early.

Spruce Moose

recs by jenna_marianne, length: short, genre: humor, pairing: ianto/jack, pairing: slash, genre: crack, fandom: torchwood

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