Dear Soong by KiranInBlue (G)

Apr 10, 2013 20:06

Hi all. Sorry for my long unannounced hiatus. I hit a reccing dry-spell, and super busyness in RL. I'm back after revisiting some beloved fandoms, and hopefully can hit my reccing stride again.

Title: Dear Soong
Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Pairing: gen, with background Juliana Tainer/Noonian Soong & OFC/OMC
Categories: AU, Canon Fix-it, Drama, Family Relationships, Fluff, Epistolary
Length: Short (1,379 words)
Warnings: n/a except spoilers for practically every Data-centric TNG episode (especially 3x16 The Offspring and 7x10 Inheritance)

Author on LJ: unknown
Author Website: KiranInBlue (at AO3)

In which Dr. Soong chooses a friendlier colony on which to finish his work - and Lore is given the chance to live, and never develops a psychotic streak in order to survive. Lore never kills Dr. Soong, and Dr. Soong is there to help guide Data in building Lal. And Juliana gets the daughter she always wanted.

This is the canon fix-it I always wanted for Data and his family, particularly after the events of The Offspring, the episode in which Data creates (and looses) a daughter. I love the sweetness of the family interactions via letter. The Soong family was never broken apart by tragedy or Lore's mental illness, and instead are living happy lives in the Federation 'verse. The sheer amount of worldbuilding the author sneaks in in so few words is boggling, and I wish they'd been inspired to write an epic about the family's continued adventures. Though that was not to be, the idea of Lore working as an artificial intelligence rights lawyer, Noonian's antics with the Daystrom Institute, hints at Spot's future appearance, and the addition of Data and Lore's sister Memory are so much fun.

Dear Soong

genre: epistolary, pairing: gen, genre: au, recs by jenna_marianne, genre: fluff, length: short, genre: science fiction, genre: drama, fandom: star trek tng, genre: family

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