I Used to Live Alone Before I Knew You by etothepii (PG-13)

Mar 11, 2013 09:05

Title: I Used to Live Alone Before I Knew You
Fandom: Sherlock BBC (set in the Good Omens universe)
Pairing: John/Sherlock
Categories: AU, supernatural, religious themes, action, romance, wings
Length: Medium (11,052)
Warnings: Minor character death: [click for characters]Moriarty and original characters

Author on LJ: etothepii
Author Website:

Author's Summary: Where Mycroft is an angel, Sherlock is a demon, and John is still John.

Sherlock's a demon, but although he's done some pretty nasty things in his past, he's lived so long that he's bored now. He and Mycroft, "know that nothing they do really matters, in the grand scheme of things. One day there will be a final battle, where Heaven and Hell will compete for their final victory. And it will be a really big deal, they're sure. But until that day comes, both sides are in and will remain in a holding pattern..."

Enter John, who fascinates Sherlock despite the inconvenience of pretending to be human around him. John's surprised that Sherlock believes in God, but what he doesn't know is that there's no faith involved.

There are cases, souls on the line, secrets revealed, and Moriarty's games. Etothepii sets everything in a believable grey area where demons are damned but capable of emotional attachment, and where angels and demons can secretly work together. The relationship between Mycroft and Sherlock is very well done; I love that they rely on one another even as they argue over which side gets whose souls. It's very in character for both of them. Actually, everything about the fusion slots seamlessly into place (though you don't need to have read Good Omens to understand and enjoy). And Sherlock's feelings for John and his trust in him are the heart of the story.

I Used to Live Alone Before I Knew You (AO3)

fandom: sherlock bbc, pairing: holmes/watson, genre: romance, genre: supernatural, genre: creature/wing, genre: crossover, genre: action/adventure, fandom: good omens, length: medium, genre: au, recs by mothlights, pairing: slash

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