What Livin' is For by Lady Janelly (Nc17)

Jan 18, 2013 10:19

Title: What Livin' is For
Fandom: Losers/Leverage
Pairing: Cougar/Jensen/Eliot
Categories: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Domestic, First Time,
Length: Long (21,000)
Warnings:PTSD, Attempted Rape, Kidnapping, Assassination

Author on LJ:ladyjanelly
Website: Lady Janelly's Masterlist

Summary: A one-night-stand becomes a whole lot more. If only life were that simple.

Review: I basically re-read this fic twice, back to back, because it was just so much fun! It takes place after the end of the Loser's movie and during an alternate time-line ending for the Leverage.(If you haven't seen the end of Leverage you won't be spoiled, since this was written before that came out.)

Jensen and Carlos pick Eliot up for a one night stand and everything spirals out from there. What I like so much about this completely impossible pairing is that in Carlos and Jensen, Eliot is able to find people who can match him for dangerous and who he doesn't have to hide from.

It's a nice change of pace from a lot of the Eliot/Hardison/Parker stories I've read where Eliot tries to forget about or downplay his past.

Even though you don't see them for most of the story Hardison and Parker are still awesomely bad-ass and In character. The story isn't as dark as the warnings make it out to be, but that being said please read with caution.

What Livin' is For

fandom: the losers, genre: crossover, genre: action/adventure, genre: domestic, recs by chibifukurou, length: long, genre: first-time, fandom: leverage, pairing: slash, pairing: threesome

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