Her Whole Heart Devoted by Karen Beckwith (PG)

Apr 01, 2008 08:49

slytherin_gypsy (yes, we have a new guest reccer, and she is *awesome*. (I'm the luckiest mod ever:)  Get ready for some new fandoms, folks!)

Title: Her Whole Heart Devoted
Fandom: Sense and Sensibility
Pairing: Colonel Brandon/Marianne Dashwood
Categories: Romance, Angst
Length: Epic
Warnings: None

Author on LJ: n/a
Author Website: http://www.auburn.edu/~beckwka/index.html

95% of all Jane Austen based fanfiction is about “Pride and Prejudice”, and while that may be Austen’s most famous novel (and to tell the truth, it’s my favorite one), her other books deserve some attention as well.

This “episodic sequel to Sense and Sensibility” (in the author’s own words) is a series of stories that explore the courtship and early marriage of Marianne Dashwood and Colonel Brandon. It is not an idealized relationship (though they do get a little mushy sometimes): they have their moments of bliss and their hours of despair and while Brandon’s love is unquestionable from the start, Marianne’s blossoms through time - so naturally that it takes a while for her to truly recognize it.

There’s a little bit of everything in this series: romance, humor, history, mystery, angst. The characters may start out as Jane Austen wrote them, but they are allowed to change and grow during the story and the original characters introduced (especially the Colonel’s sister and her family) fit right in.

Her Whole Heart Devoted

genre: romance, recs by slytherin_gypsy, genre: angst, fandom: jane austen (others), length: epic

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