Title: Spin of the Wheel Series (Any Road & Where The Four Winds Blow)
Fandom: Highlander
Pairing: Duncan/Methos
Categories: Post Canon, Future, First Time, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Length: Long (38,462 words)
Warnings: Character Death (off-screen) *Joe Dawson*
Author on LJ:
killabeezAuthor Website:
Killa Summary: Duncan is given a glimpse of an alternate future where he didn't kill Richie.
As with everything Killa writes, this story is a beautiful read. The characterization is spot on and the story is rich and fulfilling, leaving you with the sense that it could easily be canon.
For anyone that may have read 'Any Road' when it was written years ago, the sequel was just posted last month for the
hl_chronicles challenge.
Spin of the Wheel Series