I've been trying to come up with new and unique ways of pimping
fanficfinder (though we're doing pretty good in finding stories, we'd do better if we had more people) and I realized that, aside from mentions on my lj and the DS Newsletter, I really haven't pimped Epic Recs that much. And yet, the membership lists continue to grow. (Hi, new readers!)
So, my question: how did ya'll find Epic Recs? Inquiring minds (e.g., me) want to know.
And while I'm asking questions, which are your top reading fandoms? Are they the fandoms we rec in regularly (SGA, Sentinel, Harry Potter, Due South), or did you join because we semi-regularly post recs in fandoms that no one else is reccing in large amounts (Jeeves & Wooster, Samurai Champloo)? Is there any major fandom you'd like to see added to the roster (SPN and/or...uh...House)?
Speaking of adding fandoms to the roster, Mei and I have been talking about making Small Fandom Week a regular feature (i.e., once every month or two). Are there any tiny fandoms you'd especially like to see recced? I know that I personally have twenty or so small fandom folders in my 'to read' folder (which is currently at 3,000+ stories and how the heck did that happen?), so suggestions of where ya'll would like me to start (or of fandoms I should add to the list) would be greatly appreciated.