And At The Same Time Something Makes You Whole by torakowalski (PG-13)

Aug 26, 2012 12:26

Title: And At The Same Time Something Makes You Whole
Fandom: Billy Elliot (film)
Pairing: Billy/Michael, brief Billy/OMC
Categories: post canon, friendship, romance
Length: medium (7,744 words)
Warnings: mention of minor character death

Author on LJ: torakowalski
Author Website:

Summary: It’s weird being home. And it’s weirder still to think that home went on without him while he was gone.

Review:I always felt bad for Michael in the film. He's happy for Billy, but the only person who knows and accepts him is leaving. Torakowalski throws the two back together, gives them terrific dialogue, further explores Michael's cross-dressing, and makes Billy's point of view seem very in character, despite the years that have passed.

Eighteen-year-old Billy is as much mining-town-boy as London-ballet-student. His roommate, Harry, (created from a bit part - the boy Billy punched at the audition) is brilliantly fleshed out to give a sense of Billy's life at school, and then there's childhood best friend, Michael, who still has feelings for Billy but tries to keep some boundaries to save himself the risk of heartbreak.

I love that we get to see the two together both in London and back in Everington. They don't discuss it, but the contrast makes me understand the bravery and uncertainty involved in visits home. Billy and Michael stuck out as kids, and they stuck firmly by one another. Torakowalski makes good use of that back story to give us young men who aren't great at saying what they feel, but who care deeply for one another.

And At The Same Time Something Makes You Whole
podfic by lunchee

genre: friendship, genre: romance, fandom: small fandom, genre: cross-dressing, medium: podfic, length: medium, yuletide recs, recs by mothlights, pairing: slash, genre: post-canon

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