Sunrise by Xanthe (G)

Jul 23, 2012 23:32

Here comes our July theme week : Angst/Drama...

Title: Sunrise
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: DiNozzo/Gibbs
Categories: Angst, Romance, Future, Pre-slash, Post canon
Length: Medium (~2663 words)
Warnings: N/A

Author on LJ: N/A
Author Website:
Xanthe on AO3 or Xanthe's site

Gibbs says his last goodbyes before sailing off into retirement.

I don't read a lot of angsty fics. So it was a bit hard to find a story I wanted to share so in doubt I went back to one of the best author I know for Angst/Drama stories aka Xanthe. And while most of her longger fics have already been recced here,there were a few I enjoyed reading specially "Sunrise". I must admit it's quite short, a bit less than 3000 words and not too angsty it still made me cry a little.
In this fic, Xanthe explore what could happen when Gibbs retires. Her use of Gibbs POV is very well-chosen. And I just love the glimpse it give us about all the other characters. The relationships between Gibbs and the other membres of the NCIS team are well-done. And as always I just can't help thinking I would have love to read more of this fic.

Sunrise or Sunrise on AO3

genre: future, genre: romance, genre: pre-slash, genre: angst, recs by epona34, length: medium, pairing: gibbs/tony, fandom: ncis, pairing: slash, genre: post-canon

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