Sorry for the late posting - to make amends I bring two recs today. :D
Title: Conversational Japanese, Plus Frogs
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Background canon-compliant Jack/Ianto but largely gen
Categories: Friendship, Humor, Gen, Hurt/Comfort
Length: Medium (~6800 words)
Warnings: None
Author on LJ:
gilascaveAuthor Website:
Gila’s Cave Summary:
Ianto and Tosh have been kidnapped. This is how they cope.
Ianto and Tosh were my two favorite characters on Torchwood and I’m always on the lookout for fic featuring friendship between the two. I read this years ago and it has stuck with me for several reasons. The first being the superb Tosh and Ianto interactions and friendship. The second is the way the author deftly weaves humor into a seemingly hopeless and horror filled situation. I appreciated the way one of the characters would venture too close to the truth of their situation and how humor would be employed to pull the other back away from the edge. There are several times during their captivity that Tosh and Ianto are laughing, but in my mind it’s always tinged with a little mania and fear as well.
Overall a really great story that is unique and memorable.
Conversational Japanese, Plus Frogs