Hit Me With Your Best Shot by 26miledrive (PG-13)

Jun 24, 2012 11:18

Title: Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Fandom: Hockey RPF
Pairing: Martin Brodeur/Patrick Roy
Categories: Drama
Length: Medium (2900 words)
Warnings: Implications of rough sex, including consensual (mild) violence

Author on LJ: 26miledrive
Author Website: Author profile @ AO3

martin brodeur ties patrick roy's all-time win record on March 14, 2009. but don't think that makes them even.

A second great fic to come out of the hockeyrarepairs challenge and probably my personal favorite. As much as the first rec is fluffy and fun this one is darker but oh so wonderful. Brodeur and Roy had an intense rivalry fueled by two dynamic and competitive personalities. The author does an absolutely fantastic job with both of their personalities and the tension between the two is just absolutely palpable. The story is non-linear, which I’m not normally a fan of, but it works wonderfully here. I love the way this builds until the end. Even if you’re not familiar with Brodeur and Roy this story is so worth the read.

While I only highlighted two personal faves today, there were many other great fics posted as part of the hockeyrarepairs challenge. A portion of them were cross posted to AO3 but many were not. If at all interested I recommend you join the community to read some of the others not posted publicly.

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

recs by ficreader1, fandom: hockey rpf, genre: drama, pairing: slash, genre: dark, length: medium

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