Title: The Rarest Faith
Fandom: West Wing
Pairing: Josh/Amy, Josh/Donna, Sam/OFC, Toby/CJ
Categories: Post-canon, AU, Drama
Length: Epic (92,853 words)
Warnings: Female genital mutilation (mentioned as part of a cultural practice and perpetrated on a supporting character)
Author on LJ: N/A
Author Website: Website appears to be defunct so here is
author’s profile at FFN as it’s the only active place I can find their works.
A series of post-administration stories depicting the years 2006-2011.
West Wing was one of my first fandoms back in the day and I'm reaching back into the vault for this one. I spent many hours devouring marvelous, well written, and intelligent fic produced by the writers in the fandom. This fic is at the top of my list as it is all three of those things and more.
This story covers a post canon over the course of several years after the end of the administration. Life goes on, but the characters are still tied together, those bonds they forged keeping them intertwined. The relationships, as they grow and change, are realistic and in character. The political storyline is multi layered and meaty. Extra props to the author for a strong, good Amy characterization that doesn't vilify Amy. The author also has a deft touch with both the Josh/Amy and Josh/Donna relationships, treating both well.
It's a rare fic that moves me to tears or makes me sit back, heart pounding, and thinking wow at the end, but this story does. Every single time.
Please note the warning but understand that while a part of the story it is not graphic or gratuitous (incident is relayed as part of a news story). The part containing the incident is labelled at the beginning of the chapter. If sensitive, you can skim over that part of the chapter, or skip the chapter all together.
The Rarest Faith I: Spirits of Great EventsThe Rarest Faith II: A Mighty ThingThe Rarest Faith III: Healthy IrreverenceThe Rarest Faith IV: The Surest WisdomThe Rarest Faith V: Beginning to BelieveThe Rarest Faith VI: The Triumph of Principles