Row with Fresh Oars by Bergann (R)

Jun 03, 2012 17:26

Title: Row with Fresh Oars
Fandom: Numb3rs/Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: Colby Granger/Evan Lorne
Categories: Crossover, Drama, AU, Established Relationship
Length: Medium (13,880 words)
Warnings: None

Author on LJ: bergann
Author Website: N/A

Evan digs out his cell phone from where it had fallen out, wedged into the back of the seat. There are a total of twelve new missed calls: Nikki, Laura, Charlie, Laura, Nikki, Mitchell, Laura, Colby, Daniel, his SGC lawyer, Laura, Laura. "Shit," he says, staring at the call log as his stomach pools with dread. Something's happened to Atlantis.

Note: this story was written before DADT was actually repealed and imagines a future in which it was ultimately repealed. In this fic we get two stories. The first story is set a few years in the past, following Lorne’s dishonorable discharge and how he copes after losing Atlantis. The second story is the repeal of DADT in the near future and what implications that has for a Lorne who is now comfortable in his new life and career.

I like the Colby and Lorne dynamic here. There’s something steady and calm about them. They mesh well together, even when out of sync, especially as Lorne is confused about how he wants to move forward with his life after his discharge. Colby is solid, accepting of Lorne’s secrecy but ultimately supportive of him. There’s not a lot of drama and fire to their relationship, it’s more quiet and steady (much like the characters themselves), and I enjoyed that.

Row with Fresh Oars

**Fic can also be found at AO3 but the archive keeps giving me error messages today so I can’t get the link

fandom: numb3rs, genre: crossover, genre: established relationship, length: medium, genre: au, fandom: stargate atlantis, genre: science fiction, recs by ficreader1, genre: drama, pairing: slash

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