#Krisallenpinkranger bu Eorana (Pg13)

May 25, 2012 00:04

Title: #krisallenpinkranger series
Fandom: American Idol RPF/Power Rangers
Pairing: Kris Allen/Adam Lambert
Categories: AU, Crossover, Romance
Length: Medium (18,400)

Author on LJ: eirana
Website: Eirana's Ao3

Summary: Kris is like the Daphne of the Power Rangers.

Having a boyfriend who is also a Power Ranger is awesome. Except for how it isn’t because his stupidly shiny suit makes him a ridiculously easy target.

Review: Fluffy and lovely and a heck of a lot of fun this series is a straightforward superhero story with some awesome dialog and an utterly adorable teenage romance.

The fact that Eirana manages to work in an obsession with pink plaid and silver nail polish and cast Kris as the Damsel in Distress just makes the story more hilariousness.

Fade to White

fandom: american idol, genre: romance, genre: crossover, pairing: kris/adam, recs by chibifukurou, length: medium, genre: au, pairing: slash

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