Title: Three Things Patrick Kane Is No Longer Allowed To Do On A Roadtrip (Even If It Helps The Team Win)
Fandom: Hockey RPF
Pairing: Gen
Categories: Humor, Friendship
Length: Medium (3440 words)
Warnings: None
Author on LJ:
antumbralAuthor Website:
Author @ AO3 Summary:
There is a list. It lives on the luggage tag of Patrick Kane's suitcase, so he'll see it every time the team travels. The capital letters across the top of the list read: PATRICK, DON'T DO THIS.
The first time I read this story I actually laughed out loud and each subsequent reading causes me to chuckle each and every time. Antumbral does a fabulous Patrick Kane voice. The combination of confidence and innocence with his inner monologue creates a fabulous character that never gets boring. In addition you also get a story that is hilarious and outlandish (yet still fits in perfectly with hockey superstitions) and a supporting cast of characters that play the foil to Kane in a perfect fashion.
Three Things Patrick Kane Is No Longer Allowed To Do On A Roadtrip (Even If It Helps The Team Win)