DIY for Beginners by Lamardeuse (NC-17)

Apr 08, 2012 21:07

Title: DIY for Beginners
Fandom: Hot Fuzz
Pairing: Danny/Nicholas
Categories: Humor, First Time, Yuletide
Length: Medium (4597 words)
Warnings: None

Author on LJ: lamardeuse
Author Website: when the world is puddle-wonderful

Danny is worried that the temptations of the big city will lure Nicholas back to London, but what can Sandford offer that will tempt him to stay?

I’ve been feeling fandom restless lately, where most anything I read is just not fitting the bill. This feeling is nothing new and while it’s frustrating, on the other hand, I also enjoy it because then I start wandering through other fandoms I’m not familiar with in search of something, anything, that catches my fancy. That’s how I found this story.

I absolutely adore the movie Hot Fuzz, but it’s one of those where I’ve never read any fic because there’s some ground I just don’t tread. However, this fic was compltely fabulous. The author absolutely nails Danny’s voice with his way of thinking, talking, and just overall earnestness. I think that was my favorite part of this story, actually. The way the author captured what an earnest person Danny is and used it to propel the narrative as Danny decides that to keep Nicholas in Sandford he’s going to have to turn gay and proposition him.

The story was written for Yuletide a few years ago and if you read HF fic you’ve probably already read and enjoyed this first time story, but if you’re like me and you’ve not tread that ground before, this story is well worth your time.

DIY for Beginners

yuletide recs, pairing: danny/nicholas, genre: humor, recs by ficreader1, fandom: hot fuzz, pairing: slash, genre: first-time

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