Bitten by Aucta Sinistra (NC-17)

Mar 03, 2008 10:06

Mei and I are doing a theme week. Heck, we're doing a theme MONTH. And what better way to kick off theme month than a good old-fashioned dose of horror (sort of).

Title: Bitten
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Snape
Categories: vampire!fic, fluff, humor
Length: long
Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ:
Author Website:

Not strictly a horror story, but there is a vampire. *The* vampire, in fact. (Yes, *that* vampire.)

For reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, Harry and Snape find themselves accompanying a vampire from England to Romania. By train. With several pit stops (and isn't it amazing how all these hotels only have rooms with just one bed). And I'm not going to even get into the whole 'erotic vampire bite leading to excessive horniness' thing. Hell, on second thought, maybe I should have saved this for the next Harlequin week.

Perfect for those looking for a fluffy (at least as fluffy as these two nitwits can get) fic.


genre: humor, fandom: harry potter, length: long, genre: horror, genre: fluff, genre: vampire, recs by jane, pairing: harry/severus

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