Title: Five lessons on the Pandion Order, Four lessons on the Alcione Order
Fandom: Elenium - Tamuli books by D. Eddings
Pairing: Berit/Khalad, Tynian/Ulath, Talen/Danae
Categories: Romance, Humor, Fluff, Friendship, Post-Canon
Length: Medium (~4000 words for the first fic, 3000 for the second one)
Warnings: None
Author on LJ:
leyennAuthor Website:
Leyenn Summary:
Every order of the Church Knights has its own quirks, even to a fellow knight.
I discovered David and Leigh Eddings books with the Elenium and Tamuli series and I greatly enjoyed them. Their plots might be a bit easy sometimes but I love most of their characters.
In both of these fics, Leyenn expands the on the lives of some Knights of the Elene's Church. Those stories are composed by well-written vignettes which shows the interactions and the relationships between all those characters. I just love the parallels between these fics and the original verse by Eddings. The characters stay true to canon and the dialogs are spot on.
Five Lessons On The Pandion OrderFour Lessons On The Alcione Order