Title: Destination
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Categories: Casefic, First time
Length: Medium (~7000 words)
Warnings: A/N
Author on LJ:
thehoydenAuthor Website:
thehoyden Summary:
It's like a bad joke: Gibbs and Fornell walk into an elevator. When they walk out, Gibbs says, "Pack your bags, DiNozzo -- you're going on a trip."
I must say that as much as I enjoyed the first seasons of NCIS, I find the latest ones a bit lacking. Reading this fic is like meeting and greeting old friends you had almost forgotten. The characterization is spot on for all the characters and their interactions are just great. Gibbs is still a protective bastard, DiNozzo is a real smart-ass (and the smart part is quite important) and Fornell really shines here as both Gibbs' friend and rival and Dinozzo's banter partner.
Gibbs and DiNozzo relationship is also very well-written and is never rushed. Their connection is just so there even when they are separated and communicating by mail and late phone call.